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Remote Working

Definition of Remote Working

It is a work system in which an employee performs his/her duties from sites that are different from the employer's offices. This means that the employee performs their duties from remote sites on a part-time weekly or monthly or full-time basis.

Types of Remote Working

Part-time working

divide his/her work time between the main and remote workplace

Full-time working

this is for the jobs that can be performed on full-time basis from a remote location

Policy Objectives

  • Create employment opportunities for unemployed Emiratis residing in remote areas, near their homes.

  • Encourage employers to provide employment opportunities to partly or completely unexploited jobless segments in remote areas.

  • Save on transportation expenses between remote areas and big cities.

  • Cut down on UAE nationals hiring expenses.

Benefits of Remote Working


  • Create employment opportunities for the partially or entirely unemployed
  • Provide more employment options to people of determination
  • Improve economic outlook of remote areas
  • Enhance family ties by improving work-life balance


  • Increase employee satisfaction
  • Reduce the number of unscheduled absence from work
  • Increase productivity and improve fiscal efficiency
  • Grow talent pool
  • Ensure operational continuity


  • Improve employees’ performance and satisfaction
  • Reduce the number of unscheduled absence from work
  • Enhance work-life balance
  • Increase resting time
  • Save on expenses related to transportation, child care, etc.

Duties & Rights


  • Right to specify working hours for remote working employee
  • Right to abolish remote working system if the employee breaks rules and regulations
  • Establishments are obligated to hire competent local talents who are qualified to apply for remote working system
  • Establishments are required to specify if the job vacancies announced are compatible with the remote working system


  • Must be able to handle any challenges or hardships ensuing from remote working arrangement
  • The employee shall be accessible to his colleagues or employer during working hours
  • Right to receive the same workload and expectations as their full-time peers in the workplace
  • Must meet security requirements

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Last Update: 22 Jun 2022, 06:01:21 pm


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