The opening hours of all Customer Happiness Centers are from Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 a.m. to 15:30 p.m. or 18:30 p.m. depending on the branch.
The business hours of the following Customer Happiness Centers are from 08:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m. Sunday to Thursday
- Abu Dhabi Central
- Al Ain Central
- Dubai Central
- Customer Happiness Center – Jumeirah
- Customer Happiness Center – Deira Main
- Sharjah Central
- Ajman Central
- Ras Al Khaimah Central
- Umm Al Quwain Central
- Al Fujairah Central
Kindly note that the following Customer Happiness Centers are temporarily closed:
- Customer Happiness Centre - Al Hamriya -Sharjah
- Customer Happiness Centre - Industrial Area 6 -Sharjah
- Customer Happiness Centre - Al Zahra
- Customer Happiness Centre - Muwailih
- Customer Happiness Centre - Falaj Al Muala
- Customer Happiness Centre - RAKEZ
- Customer Happiness Centre - Al Ghurfah
- Customer Happiness Centre - Al Taweyain
- Customer Happiness Centre - Shaam
Please visit our Find Us webpage to check the working hours of the Happiness Center before visiting.