If you have difficulty reading the text on our portal, you can increase or decrease the text-size by clicking on the 'A+' or 'A-' icons on the top right corner of the webpage.
Alternately, you can also adjust the text-size setting of your browser in the following way:
- Internet Explorer: Change the text size setting in your browser by clicking on the View menu. Then, click on Text Size and select the size you require.
- Firefox: Change the size of the text in your browser by clicking on the View menu. Then, select Increase or Decrease to change the text size. Alternatively, you can press 'Ctrl' and '+' keys on the numeric keypad to increase the text size, or 'Ctrl' and '-' (minus) keys to decrease the text size. Pressing 'Ctrl' and '0' returns you to the default size.
- Google Chrome: Change the text size in your browser by clicking on the main menu. Then, click on Zoom and adjust the text-size. Alternatively, you can press 'Ctrl' and '+' keys on the numeric keypad to increase the text size, or 'Ctrl' and '-' (minus) to decrease the text size. Pressing 'Ctrl' and '0' returns you to the default size.
- Opera: Change the size of both text and graphics using the '+' and '-' (minus) keys on the numeric keypad. Each press will increase or decrease the size by 10 percent.
- Safari: To change text size in the safari, click on the View menu. Then click on Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller to change the font size as you like. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: Increase or decrease the text size with 'Apple' and '+' and 'Apple' and '-' (minus) keys.